Wednesday 19 December 2012

It's tendinitis!

I've been silent for a month now because there hasn't been much to say. I've been struggling with a metatarsal injury and haven't been able to do much of training. It's been nasty and disturbing and it hasn't gone away even though I've given it a lot of rest and kept off from running. After three weeks of more or less constant pain I started to get worried about it (that is my doctor got worried about it) and went to see some experts. Sharp pain was localized primarily to the first metatarsal bone and it was sore when tapped. In other words an obvious stress fracture (which is really no wonder after running a marathon). There was also some joint irritation, general tightness and reduced flexibility in the foot but the pain in the first metatarsal remained even when flexibility was regained. So a little bit of this and that but clearly some bone damage too. This was the initial diagnosis but just to be sure I went to MRI. I've done it twice before when suspecting a stress fracture and both times it has proven right. But this time it surprised me by not showing any obvious inflammation in the bone, only beneath it (wohoo!). I know I've already announced otherwise but luckily it wasn't that simple. So after going first deep down in despair for a day or two the actual statement of the radiologist was a huge relief. My two previous stress fractures took months to recover so any injury other than a stress fracture is good news to me. It's not that the foot is any better (well, it is a bit better) but the fact that I'm actually able to do things and don't have to spend next 8-12 weeks solely in a swimming pool helps a lot. It looks like I can do the trip to New Zealand but running the World Cup races there remains to be seen.

                                              Bye bye and Merry Christmas to you all!