Thursday 24 October 2013

Third Time Lucky

It's October again and time for my annual autumn highlight: Bupa Great Birmingham Run, also known as Birmingham half marathon. This year it clashed with the British Fell Relays and Compass Sport Cup final, which was really a shame, because I would have loved to do them all. But this half marathon has become very special to me and I just couldn't pass it. I'm sorry if I let anybody down. So here we go.

I got to start by a gunshot in the faster group just behind a handful of elite runners. I knew that most of them were faster than me, so I placed myself safely far back in the group in order not to go out too fast in the beginning. What I unfortunately did not know was that my time would be based on the gunshot. I passed the start line 5-6 seconds after the shot, which isn't much, but still if I had known that it was the gun time that counted, I would have taken a sprint at the end.

0-5km: First kilometers went pretty fast but effortlessly. I hit the 5km mark in 18:49, which is over a minute faster than my goal pace. So far so good.

5-10km: After the first 5k I have found a comfortable rhythm and good company to run with. There's a drink station where I collide with one of the marshals but no one gets hurt. My 10km split is 39:29. Still half a minute ahead.

10-15km: First signs of tiredness and my calves are getting tighter. I've been running together with a girl from Solihull but she's increasing her pace now and I have to let her go. Soon there's another girl from Birmingham University who accompanies me for the rest of the race. 15km in 59:49. Still ahead. I can't believe I've just done 15km within an hour. Wow.

15-20km: I'm feeling alright until the big climb from about 18km to 20km. It seems to take all out of my legs and I find it difficult to accelerate after that. "Come on, get angry" someone shouts at the climb. I try to do that but find it quite funny. Of all feelings angriness is certainly not highest up on the list. I'm more somewhere between amusement and agony. But I survive the hill. I lose some time but not too much.

20-21.1km: "Okay come on now, it's just the sprint left, you can do it!" I tell myself. I try to speed up but my legs are empty. The climb was too much to my already aching legs and I find them useless. The last mile takes ages. Finally comes the '800m left' mark and two 800m runners pass me. It looks so smooth and easy as they surf away. I hear Sami's shouting that I should stick to them. Easier said than done. Anyway I reach the finish line in 1:25:50 and something. Definitively under 1:26. That's all that matters. I could have finished stronger but I'm still quite pleased with my run. Until the moment I go and check the official results. There's only my gun time 1:26:01. What?? I know it was clearly under that - by several seconds. Rather frustrating. 

Thanks once again for a terrific event with superb atmosphere and great support all the way through! Special thanks to all K&D runners who gave their support after the Cadbury loop. Seeing a friendly face and hearing your name is always a big help. I'm proud to be part of the 3rd best club at the event!